Language matters: Defeating copyright monopoly “newspeak”

One central theme to the “1984” book by George Orwell is Newspeak – a simple concept. By taking away the expressions for free thinking and challenging authority from the language, those in power would remove the crowd’s ability to conceptualize those thoughts, and thus ensure obedience.

Every time you repeat a term of the adversary’s worldview, you help them take away your rights. Every time you use one of the terms that define our worldview, you help the net generation retain their civil liberties.

European Court of Human Rights: Convictions for file-sharing violate human rights

The European Court of Human Rights has declared that the copyright monopoly stands in direct conflict with fundamental Human Rights, as defined in the European Union and elsewhere. This means that as of today, nobody sharing culture in the EU may be convicted just for breaking the copyright monopoly law; the bar for convicting was raised considerably. […]