Ever needed to manually control host/domain IPs using the hosts file? Well, good thing most computers have a hosts file but what do you do with other devices that do not support such a feature.
If you’re running a DD-WRT router, by using DNSMasq the DNS change will work for all devices that connect to your router, including mobile devices.
So what do you have to change in DD-WRT? Here’s what you need to do:
- Log into the administration interface and go to the Services tab.
- Find the DNSMasq section and make sure the DNSMasq option is enabled.
- In the Additional DNSMasq Options box type in your local DNS configurations (one entry per line):
where host-or-domain refers to the machine name (or domain name) you want to customize the address for and ip-address is the numeric IP address - Save and Apply and you should be all set.
If your devices don’t see the changes right away try restarting them to clear the DNS cache.
More information: DD-WRT wiki
and for IPv6?
Thanks for the article. Sure helped me out