Bluetooth peripheral device no driver installed/available

Bluetooth peripheral device no driver installed/available

One may randomly encounter a Windows Vista/7/8 installation where some bluetooth devices don’t get their drivers installed despite having installed all of the manufacturer’s drivers.


In such cases, you’ll end up with one or several non-functional “Bluetooth Peripheral Device“.

blue-1-nodriverBTo solve this, start by downloading and installing Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 (local copy here). The name says it’s only for Vista 32bit, but it will also work on 7 (both 32 and 64bit).

Then attempt to update driver on the non-functioning item in Device Manager.

blue-2-search1Select the automatic search for a driver blue-3-search2In the next step, select to pick from a list of drivers blue-4-listIn the list, look for “Bluetooth Radios” category


blue-5-list2Next, locate and select “Microsoft Corporation” in the left list and select the only available item in the right list. blue-6-warningIgnore the warning and click Yes to continue blue-7-installedInstallation is complete.

Repeat the above steps for each non-functional Bluetooth Peripheral Device. In the end, you should end up with several “Windows Mobile-based device support” items in Device Manager.



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