WordPress incorrectly loads styles, scripts via HTTPS and the solution

I’ve recently stumbled upon the weird issue of Wordpress loading its styles and scripts via HTTPS although it wasn’t configured to use SSL. The website did indeed have a SSL certificate installed and usable.

I eventually found some useful information about Wordpress’ is_ssl() function…

Make Virtualmin 4 correctly display available memory on OpenVZ

Virtualmin displayed wrong amount of available memory on OpenVZ systems for a while (displaying either the guaranteed RAM instead of the burst or some random smaller value).

After the update to Virtualmin 4.02, the available RAM graph completely vanished from the system information page. To fix this…

Modding WP CodeFreeze to lock bbPress as well

CodeFreeze is a very handy plugin that helps you freeze the state of your Wordpress website before and during a move (to a new server, for example). The only minus I found so far is that it doesn’t (yet) include support for the bbPress Wordpres plugin as well, leaving all forums open for new topics and replies.

Thankfully, making CodeFreeze handle bbPress as well only requires a couple of new lines of code…

PHP script to add WordPress admin user

I recently needed to add a new administrator username to a Wordpress install.

Doing this manually via SQL is not the most difficult task in the world, but it can be quite a challenge as it requires special access (either to mysqladmin or something like phpMyAdmin) and SQL knowledge.

Plus there’s a always room for error when messing around with SQL data.

Prevent SSH from disconnecting idle sessions

If you leave PuTTY connected for long periods of time on tail -f /some/log/file you may have noticed the SSH server disconnects you after a while if there is no new input on that log file.

You could configure PuTTY to enable connection keepalive functionality, but you’d need to either do that for every session or every saved server in the list. The easier way is to enable this functionality on the servers themselves…

Configure Munin to graph MySQL on CentOS 5/6 with Virtualmin

If you’re running a CentOS 5/6 VPS/Server with Virtualmin and installed Munin to graph the system stats, you’ll mostly likely notice that the generated graphs do not include MySQL.

This is expected behaviour since Virtualmin asks you to define a root password for your MySQL server (so it isn’t left unsecured out in the open), while Munin tries to read MySQL data using the root account and no password and fails.

But there’s an easy way to fix this…

Mod osTicket 1.7 to accept HTML in tickets

After updating osTicket to its latest stable release, I had to redo the mod to make it accept HTML messages (too bad this hasn’t already been added, at least as an option, to the core).

After digging around quite a bit around the completely re-arranged codebase, I eventually found that it’s actually even simpler than in 1.6.

We need to change one line in include/class.thread.php…

Service management on the PI – chkconfig equivalent for Debian

Using the Debian based Rasbian (on my Raspberry PI), I recently need to turn some services off and then others on for startup. I knew how to do this on Redhat based distributions, but Debian does things differently.

Instead of chkconfig, Debian provides the update-rc.d utility to turn services on/off at specific runlevels…

Instant messenger encryption with Pidgin and Pidgin-OTR

All major messaging applications pass data through their servers and as we already know, all service providers, including Google, Yahoo and Microsoft, log this data – everything you write to your friends, family, colleagues, etc.

Continuing the series of posts on improving communication privacy, this time we learn how to encrypt our instant messenger conversations…