If you’re getting the following error after activating the GeoIP module in AWStats
Error: Plugin load for plugin ‘geoipfree’ failed with return code: Error: Can’t locate Geo/IPfree.pm in @INC
you’re missing the Perl module required for this.
To install it, SSH to your system and enter Perl’s CPAN prompt via
perl -MCPAN -e shell
Then run the install command
install Geo:IPFree
If you get a Warning: Cannot install Geo::IPFree, don’t know what it is. message, install the module the alternative way:
install BRICAS/Geo-IPfree-1.130450.tar.gz
PS: If CPAN complains that it might be old, it would be a good idea to update it via
install Bundle::CPAN
reload cpan
Updating CPAN will most likely take a while.